As you know, Scriptaculous library support is useful when creating spectacular effects in web design. During the application process Scriptaculous on Blogger, I found an unexpected incident utility Followers (Followers) "suddenly disappear" when put on blogspot Scriptaculous library. What a shame. This is because there is incompatibility between the utility script Followers in Scriptaculous with Prototype library. solution is to add a small script to take into Blogger Prototype library. We normally put the following code before the
<script src=''/>
< script>
google.load("prototype", "");
google.load("scriptaculous", "1.8.3");
< /script>
To overcome the problem does not show the utility Followers, need to use code like this.
<script src=''/>
< script>
google.load("prototype", "");
window.JSON = {
parse: function (st) { return st.evalJSON(); },
stringify: function(obj) { return Object.toJSON(obj); }
google.load("scriptaculous", "1.8.3");
< /script>
The marked red is added to handle the incompatibility between Prototype and script in the Followers gadget.
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