• Facebook Rocks

    Go to Blogger edit html and replace these slide 1 description with your own words. ...

  • Facebook vs Twitter

    Go to Blogger edit html and replace these slide 2 description with your own words. ...

  • Facebook Marketing

    Go to Blogger edit html and replace these slide 3 description with your own words. ...

  • Facebook and Google

    Go to Blogger edit html and replace these slide 4 description with your own words. ...

  • Facebook Tips

    Go to Blogger edit html and replace these slide 5 description with your own words. ...

Method signature is IP, browser ...

Just a few easy steps, you will create a digital signature, which displays the IP address, current time, operating systems and browsers of users online.
First, you download the compressed file contains two files and tohama.ttf signal.php in here . By default, the file has been signal.php optimal design to automatically identify the user information and displays them.However, to personalize signature, you proceed to extract the download folder, then open the file viewing signal with a program in Windows Notepad (Start> All Programs> Accessories> Notepad) to edit at will her.
In particular, most importantly, you can edit the information in the Copyleft 2010 Name of your own information, such This is a signature of RATS. Note, if you fix the sentence with accents, you need to type in Unicode because the program will use the font Tahama.
If you understand the need to edit files and more then you can edit the background color, size, and add other information. For added convenience, you can use specialized tools for programming, such as Notepad + +.
After you have created a complete signal.php file, you need to upload files to a host that allows direct access data. You can register for free hosts use to store files on, as www.byethost.com. You can place files in the directory of your choice signal.php in the htdocs folder on your host, and tahoma.ttf file, you must always put together with signal.php folder.
At this point you will have the path to your signature format [domain] / [dir] / signal.php. In particular, [domain] is the name of your site, [dir] is the directory access on the host. To see if a result has created you access to address this .
Once you have a link to your signature, you can insert an article or as a signature on the forum, website or blog by. Insert code may be different on each page, and pages you have to support insert PHP code. For example, the PHP forum VBB opened the syntax is [IMG] link [/ IMG].

Adding Flashing Links to blogger

Blogger Blue Vector LogoSometimes you want to grab the attention of readers and draw that attention to a specific link.So here we have a very easy way to add a flashing effect to specific links on your blog.You have two options, you can have the link text flashing or add a flashing background.This can be helpful as a call to action once you don't go overboard adding it to all links which will just serve to irritate your readers.Check out the demo (You can see the flashing links at the top of the sidebar) and tutorial.

View Demo Button 

Adding Flashing Links To Your Blog

First you will need to add some script to your blog, with that done you add a tag to links you want to flash.

Step 1. Use the Add To Blogger button to add the script to your blog.

Simply click the button below, select the blog you want it on then click add widget :

This adds the script in a gadget on your sidebar, you can move the gadget to the bottom of your layout.

Add Flashing Links

OK, when you add a link to your blog you use code like this :

<a href="http://www.tin24h.us">Spice Up Your Blog</a>

To make the link flash you add the following tags :

<a rel="flashfg[green]" href="http:// www.tin24h.us ">Spice Up Your Blog</a>

This is flashfg which translates to flash foreground.

<a rel="flashbg[yellow]" href="http:// www.tin24h.us ">Spice Up Your Blog</a>

This is flashbg which translates to flash background

Followers gadget disappeared because of Prototype?

As you know, Scriptaculous library support is useful when creating spectacular effects in web design. During the application process Scriptaculous on Blogger, I found an unexpected incident utility Followers (Followers) "suddenly disappear" when put on blogspot Scriptaculous library. What a shame. This is because there is incompatibility between the utility script Followers in Scriptaculous with Prototype library. solution is to add a small script to take into Blogger Prototype library. We normally put the following code before the 
</ head> in the template.

<script src='http://www.google.com/jsapi'/>
< script>
google.load(&quot;prototype&quot;, &quot;;);
google.load(&quot;scriptaculous&quot;, &quot;1.8.3&quot;);
< /script>

To overcome the problem does not show the utility Followers, need to use code like this.

<script src='http://www.google.com/jsapi'/>
< script>
google.load(&quot;prototype&quot;, &quot;;);
window.JSON = {
parse: function (st) { return st.evalJSON(); },
stringify: function(obj) { return Object.toJSON(obj); }
google.load(&quot;scriptaculous&quot;, &quot;1.8.3&quot;);
< /script>

The marked red is added to handle the incompatibility between Prototype and script in the Followers gadget.

Drag the gadget using Scriptaculous

Sometimes you think you can use an add-pointer that pulled on his blog to a different location on the page? Is it possible or not? Why not create a procedure to reverse effects like that on the blog a bit. pull tricks help us add to blog a bit naughty and makes the game more enjoyable blog. To create this procedure, I have to use the Scriptaculous library. View   Demo . If you like this adversity and fitness tips, please follow the steps.

Step 1. Sign in Blogger, go to Design >> Edit HTML. Set before the </ head> with the following code.

<script src='http://www.google.com/jsapi'/>
< script>
google.load(&quot;scriptaculous&quot;, &quot;1.8.2&quot;);
< /script>

Save Template

Step 2. Now you need to specify the id of an add HTML / JavaScript application that you want to pull tricks. For example, if you apply for that id utility HTML1 you to Page Elements, edit HTML1 id utility and placed in the context of utility with the following structure

<div id="HTML1" style="cursor:move; border:0px;">
Nội dung code tiện ích có id là HTML1
< /div>
< script type="text/javascript">new Draggable('HTML1');</script>

Similarly you can apply to other utilities with id as HTML2, HTML3, ...

Congly Theme Blogger

Do many people use this theme, so I updated a number of amendments that bloggers update:
+ Optimize load speed
+ Slide post more pictures
+ Fix air traffic in the widget page element
+ Fixed widget lable in small pages page elements
+ Add article thumbnail page labels when no photos
+ Add Archive page for blog
+ Fix blogger search = Search
+ Create frame widget in the sidebar Border
+ Using default paging
+ Removing Menu horizontal window
+ Use hierarchical blogger comment

To modify the theme you use Notepad + + to easily use one. Change the logo to find:
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SvH6xyNEkkY/T-6yaYQGhiI/AAAAAAAABE8/7_aQzYPMao0/s1600/logos.png change your logo = link

2. Change menu link

< ul class='menu'>
< li><a href='/'><span>Home</span></a></li>
< li><a href='/search/label/Destination'><span>Menu1</span></a></li>
< li><a href='/search/label/Destination '><span>Menu2</span></a></li>
< li><a href='/search/label/Destination '><span>Menu3</span></a></li>
< li><a href='/search/label/Destination '><span>Menu4</span></a></li>
< li><a href='/search/label/Destination '><span>Menu5</span></a></li>
< li><a href='/search/label/Destination '><span>Menu6</span></a></li>
< li><a href='/search/label/Destination '><span>Menu7</span></a></li>
< li><a href='/search/label Destination '><span>Menu8</span></a></li>
< li><a href='/search/label/Destination '><span>Menu9</span></a></li>
< /ul>
The Destination and Menu .. into the label of your blog

3. Display the table on the homepage Find

<div class='body-home'>
< div class='boxtitle'>
< h2><span class='boxtitle1'/><span class='boxtitle2'><a href='/search/label/Destination' title='Destination'>Destination</a></span>
< span class='boxtitle3'/></h2>
< ul class='subbox'>
< li><a href='/search/label/Menu1'>Menu1</a></li>
< li>|</li>
< li><a href='/search/label/Menu2'>Menu2</a></li>
< li>|</li>
< li><a href='/search/label/Menu3'>Menu3</a></li>
< /ul>
< /div>
< div class='body-info'>
< script>document.write("<script src=\"/feeds/posts/default/-/Destination?max-results="+7+"&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=helloximo02\"><\/script>");</script>
< /div>
< div style='clear:both;'/>
< /div> 
Replace bold red and green into your label data and test if this is you do not have blog posts to On Import is installed and can view the demo right

Lightwindow Install plugin for blogspot

Would not you ever seen the effect magnified image is clicked after using the lightbox plugin. There is a plugin that can create similar effects, in addition can apply to text links (no lightbox functions), which is Lightwindow. Note Lightwindow using Scriptaculous library should be having conflicts with jQuery library. If your capital is k devotees should apply jQuery plugin. If you prefer to use this plugin can be applied because later I will introduce several unique applications from Lightwindow for blogspot.
Demo .
To install the plugin, please follow the steps below.

Step 1. Sign Blogger >> Design >> Edit HTML. Place the following code before the tag </ head> .

<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/1.7/prototype.js'/>
< script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.8/scriptaculous.js'/>
< script src='/lightwindow.js' type='text/javascript'/>
< style type='text/css'>
#lightwindow_overlay {display: none; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100px; z-index: 500;}
#lightwindow {display: none; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; z-index: 999; line-height: 0px;}
#lightwindow_container {display: none; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; padding: 0; margin: 0;}
* html #lightwindow_container {overflow: hidden;}
#lightwindow_contents, #lightwindow_loading {-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;border-radius:5px;-moz-box-shadow:0 0 40px #DDD inset;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 40px #DDD inset;box-shadow:0 0 40px #DDD inset;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr=&#39;#FF000000&#39;, EndColorStr=&#39;#FF333333&#39;);}
#lightwindow_contents {background-color:transparent;overflow:hidden;padding:15px;position:relative;z-index:0;}
#lightwindow iframe {background-color:#EEE;}
#lightwindow_loading {background-color:#333;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%;z-index:9999;}
#lightwindow_loading img {float:left;margin:30px 0 0 50px;}
#lightwindow_loading span {color:#DDD;float:left;font-size:14px;margin:42px 0 0 5px;}
#lightwindow_loading span a {color:#FFF;cursor:pointer;}
#lightwindow_loading_shim {display: none; left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;}
#lightwindow_navigation {position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; display: none;}
#lightwindow_navigation_shim {display: none; left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;}
#lightwindow_navigation a, #lightwindow_navigation a:link, #lightwindow_navigation a:visited, #lightwindow_navigation a:hover, #lightwindow_navigation a:active {}
#lightwindow_previous, #lightwindow_next {width: 49%; height: 100%; background: transparent url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhrQzRQJO_7zXhI1reJ5l3gdLezPazSoRtKmBwoIytmFc1hZVzg-Q53M820Pt196QSUS4NbTs5mkmKm6-2cnnS259zpHpA2mTSKFA8TsVnOi5fgvjo8wNatHhwi8yygN17sWufXMfBk-e0/s0/blank.gif) no-repeat; display: block;}
#lightwindow_previous {float: left; left: 0px;}
#lightwindow_next {float: right; right: 0px;}
#lightwindow_previous:hover, #lightwindow_previous:active {background:transparent url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEin9_ACRuxlpPzAr2i4rwaKoy8jo-wDjGPSj75CW_NALDxTOCI4F91e50FN4NUYvDna51vmZFmd3KfNYm3fXea-FyRT7Gor6PdVtKBzja28Wmjv7gudUwFK3q2pW0AuG17TEDr0QPGrFc0/s0/LWicoleft.png) no-repeat 20% 50%;}
#lightwindow_next:hover, #lightwindow_next:active {background:transparent url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiOPFQE9o-V121-IJqu7xosTE89Bl0ZJJkIMXeDIRAc0y0V6ONTZ0SRvUyLiuTXxOMqd6n5J3pdoKFFJlk_ARSyvDNAVmYujmBaIwAfqds2jEALMIUbvhIL-BKuR7ewRHH9hBcT_OpA31o/s0/LWicoright.png) no-repeat right 50%;}
#lightwindow_previous_title, #lightwindow_next_title {display: none;}
#lightwindow_galleries {display:none !important;}
#lightwindow_data {position: absolute;}
#lightwindow_data_slide {display:none !important;}
#lightwindow_title_bar {height: 25px; overflow: hidden;}
#lightwindow_title_bar_title {color:#DDD;float:left;font-size:14px;line-height:25px;margin-left:20px;text-align:left;}
a#lightwindow_title_bar_close_link, a#lightwindow_title_bar_close_link:link, a#lightwindow_title_bar_close_link:visited {-moz-border-radius:10px;-webkit-border-radius:10px;border-radius:10px;-moz-box-shadow:0 0 17px #FFF inset;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 17px #FFF inset;box-shadow:0 0 17px #FFF inset;background-color:#000;color:#AAA;cursor:pointer;display:block;float:right;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:bold;height:22px;line-height:22px;padding:0 30px;text-align:right;text-transform:lowercase;}
a#lightwindow_title_bar_close_link:hover {color:#FFF;background-color:#222}
#lightwindow p {color: #000; padding-right: 10px;}
a.lightwindow {cursor:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgaSQCobVhXjkjBc2CBoBgZyhX7t5MbSh9a-lAX3jlJ5B_Vqw2hyWWdfN1gYlXNU_FFhXx2HXh18K1aHwmCGZk438u9nfeG1N8JQDADKqzg-8PBQGpMHt2GarZNnAjMpYwOfhTNAXHvLZE/s0/magplus.gif), pointer !important;}
a.lightwindow img {cursor:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgaSQCobVhXjkjBc2CBoBgZyhX7t5MbSh9a-lAX3jlJ5B_Vqw2hyWWdfN1gYlXNU_FFhXx2HXh18K1aHwmCGZk438u9nfeG1N8JQDADKqzg-8PBQGpMHt2GarZNnAjMpYwOfhTNAXHvLZE/s0/magplus.gif), pointer !important;}
< /style>

Js file you download lighwindow.js then upload to your host or on GoogleCode to use for your blogspot. Save Template.
Step 2. Setting up the HTML structure for the links as follows:

<a class='lightwindow' href='#' params='lightwindow_width=600,lightwindow_height=600,lightwindow_loading_animation=true' rel='nofollow' title='Title Text'>Text Link</a>
Note width adjustment (600) and height (600) corresponds to the width and height of the window effect that is compatible with each case of application. In order to apply this plugin for images, you can use the HTML structure like this: < a class = "lightwindow" href = " URL_ image "> <img src =" URL_ image "width =" 350 px "height =" 250 px "/> </ a>

Related Posts utility random avatar

Is probably you who see utility related article gravatar Linkwithin . Feature of this gadget is showing the article related to a topic with avatar and post titles. But one point that I think will cause problems for the most fastidious bloggers, which is associated Linkwithin displayed on the gadget. This is considered a type of advertising. This article about utility related article images represent random (Random Related Posts with Thumbnails) displays four random posts related to a label for the article, including avatars, article title and article summary. A special feature of this utility is: if the article has no avatar will display the default avatar, if the article does not have pictures that represent the labels such as Blogger, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, Facebook, Twitter will display the default avatar is assigned available for the label. To install this utility, you follow the following steps. Step 1 . Sign in Blogger, go to Design >> Edit HTML, select Expand Widget Templates. Add the following code before the tag </ head>

/* Random Related Posts with Thumbnails Widget by Huynh Nhat Ha */
< b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
< style type='text/css'>
#rdrelatedposts {}
#rdrelatedposts h2{height:25px;color:blue;font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;font-family:Arial,Tahoma,Times New Roman,serif;margin:0px 4px 0;margin-top:4px;padding:0 0 5px}}
.relaposts {float:left;height:200px;margin:0 5px;overflow:hidden;padding:5px;text-align:center;width:130px;}
.relaposts:hover {background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(100% 100% 90deg, #303941, #101921);background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, from(#303941)), to(#101921));filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr='#FF101921', EndColorStr='#FF303941');}
.relaposts a {color:#a52a2a !important;display:inline;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;line-height:1;}
.relaposts img {-moz-border-radius:4px;-webkit-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 20px #444 inset;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 20px #444 inset;box-shadow:0 0 20px #444 inset;height:72px;padding:5px;width:72px;}
.relaposts h6 {display:table-cell;height: 5em;margin:5px 0 0;overflow:hidden;padding-bottom:2px;vertical-align:middle;width:130px;}
.relaposts p {border-bottom:1px dotted #555;border-top:1px dotted #555;color:#AAA;font-size:11px;height:4em;line-height:1;margin:5px 0 0;overflow:hidden;padding:5px 0;text-align:justify;}
< /style>
< script src='http://hacodeproject.googlecode.com/files/randomrelaposts.js' type='text/javascript'/>
< /b:if>

If you knows about CSS, you can adjust some CSS properties in the above code. Note the code on the template is used for post-body section with a width of 600px, depending on the width of the post-body in your template parameters that adjust width: 130px in the code are marked in red in line case.

You should download the file randomrelaposts.js for uploading to host your blog using to avoid bandwidth limitations by sharing files. Step 2 . Find the line <div post-footer-line-3'> class='post-footer-line then precede it with all the code below.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
< div id='rdrelatedposts'>
< h2>Bài viết liên quan</h2>
< b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
< b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>
< /b:if>
< b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
< script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + data:label.name + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=readpostlabels&amp;max-results=100&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop>
< script type='text/javascript'>displayrelatedposts();</script>
< /div>
< div style='clear:both;'></div>
< /b:if>

Step 3 . A final but no less important to your success

AncMedia Edition - Plugin support play videos

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Don’t Believe The Hype

Auto Blog Robot At LaptopIf you do a Google search for “automated blog posts” you will mostly find a bunch of tools that perform this function and a number of websites that promote automated blog posting as a great way to make some easy money quickly. While this type of practice could be able to yield you some money in the short run from Google AdSense, it’s generally not that lucrative in the long run.
Even though making a quick buck online always sounds tempting, here are some reasons why using automated blogging techniques for your personal blog is not a good idea overall.

Success is temporary

There are systems by which you can make money with automated blogging, but you will find out quickly that it is not worth the effort in the long run. The way that you make money is that you have some sort of tool that will either spin content for you or literally post duplicated content from other blogs onto yours. Keeping this type of high-volume content coming in will be able to garner you some money from AdSense for a short period of time, but it won’t last long.

The reason that automated blogging does not work is because it goes just about every ground rule of owning and operating a successful blog as a long term source of income. The first rule – and probably most important rule – of running a good blog is to make sure that your content is original and of a very high quality. When you are doing automated blogging, you are getting neither of the two.

You’ll get sandboxed

The reason that these automated blogs are not profitable for long is because Google is finding them and kicking them out its search database at a faster and faster pace. Thanks to the Panda and Penguin updates of the Google search algorithm, these auto-blogs are getting penalized faster than before. Google is simply doing a better job at detecting them now. The truth of the matter is that duplicate content cannot fool Google for long. And once your auto-blog is sandboxed, you can no longer rely on organic traffic. The traffic you will be getting from social media links or other avenues will be nowhere near as profitable as the traffic you were getting before your automated blog got pulled by the Google police.

Realistically, if you were really adamant about making money by doing this, you could literally create dozens of these blogs and sites a week and then keep relying on new ones for income as your older ones get shut down - but what’s the point? All the time you spend on doing this is more time than you need to run a “real” blog with original content - and probably less profitable as well.

You’re on your own

Another aspect of promoting a blog that is important is getting links going from other reputable sites to yours. All chances of doing this are pretty much tossed out the window when you delve into automated blogging. The automated content might be able to fool search engines for some time, but it can’t really fool real people. Bloggers will be able to tell that your content is duplicate or just spun, and it’s easy to spot these blogs. Therefore, there will not be many reputable blogs that will want to link to you. You might be able to fish out some links and recommendations from people who own similar automated blogs, but as you know, those blogs are just as prone to getting sandboxed sooner than later as are yours.

So what’s the bottom line? Can automated blogs be profitable? Sure, they can. However, because of the fact that they are so susceptible to being shut down and so difficult to promote in any way that is generally viewed as healthy and favorable by Google, it really seems that trying to sustain a profit from this type of blogging would really take more effort than it is worth.

And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.Success is temporary
There are systems by which you can make money with automated blogging, but you will find out quickly that it is not worth the effort in the long run. The way that you make money is that you have some sort of tool that will either spin content for you or literally post duplicated content from other blogs onto yours. Keeping this type of high-volume content coming in will be able to garner you some money from AdSense for a short period of time, but it won’t last long.

The reason that automated blogging does not work is because it goes just about every ground rule of owning and operating a successful blog as a long term source of income. The first rule – and probably most important rule – of running a good blog is to make sure that your content is original and of a very high quality. When you are doing automated blogging, you are getting neither of the two.

You’ll get sandboxed

The reason that these automated blogs are not profitable for long is because Google is finding them and kicking them out its search database at a faster and faster pace. Thanks to the Panda and Penguin updates of the Google search algorithm, these auto-blogs are getting penalized faster than before. Google is simply doing a better job at detecting them now. The truth of the matter is that duplicate content cannot fool Google for long. And once your auto-blog is sandboxed, you can no longer rely on organic traffic. The traffic you will be getting from social media links or other avenues will be nowhere near as profitable as the traffic you were getting before your automated blog got pulled by the Google police.

Realistically, if you were really adamant about making money by doing this, you could literally create dozens of these blogs and sites a week and then keep relying on new ones for income as your older ones get shut down - but what’s the point? All the time you spend on doing this is more time than you need to run a “real” blog with original content - and probably less profitable as well.

You’re on your own

Another aspect of promoting a blog that is important is getting links going from other reputable sites to yours. All chances of doing this are pretty much tossed out the window when you delve into automated blogging. The automated content might be able to fool search engines for some time, but it can’t really fool real people. Bloggers will be able to tell that your content is duplicate or just spun, and it’s easy to spot these blogs. Therefore, there will not be many reputable blogs that will want to link to you. You might be able to fish out some links and recommendations from people who own similar automated blogs, but as you know, those blogs are just as prone to getting sandboxed sooner than later as are yours.

So what’s the bottom line? Can automated blogs be profitable? Sure, they can. However, because of the fact that they are so susceptible to being shut down and so difficult to promote in any way that is generally viewed as healthy and favorable by Google, it really seems that trying to sustain a profit from this type of blogging would really take more effort than it is worth.

And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.There are systems by which you can make money with automated blogging, but you will find out quickly that it is not worth the effort in the long run. The way that you make money is that you have some sort of tool that will either spin content for you or literally post duplicated content from other blogs onto yours. Keeping this type of high-volume content coming in will be able to garner you some money from AdSense for a short period of time, but it won’t last long.
The reason that automated blogging does not work is because it goes just about every ground rule of owning and operating a successful blog as a long term source of income. The first rule – and probably most important rule – of running a good blog is to make sure that your content is original and of a very high quality. When you are doing automated blogging, you are getting neither of the two.

You’ll get sandboxed

The reason that these automated blogs are not profitable for long is because Google is finding them and kicking them out its search database at a faster and faster pace. Thanks to the Panda and Penguin updates of the Google search algorithm, these auto-blogs are getting penalized faster than before. Google is simply doing a better job at detecting them now. The truth of the matter is that duplicate content cannot fool Google for long. And once your auto-blog is sandboxed, you can no longer rely on organic traffic. The traffic you will be getting from social media links or other avenues will be nowhere near as profitable as the traffic you were getting before your automated blog got pulled by the Google police.

Realistically, if you were really adamant about making money by doing this, you could literally create dozens of these blogs and sites a week and then keep relying on new ones for income as your older ones get shut down - but what’s the point? All the time you spend on doing this is more time than you need to run a “real” blog with original content - and probably less profitable as well.

You’re on your own

Another aspect of promoting a blog that is important is getting links going from other reputable sites to yours. All chances of doing this are pretty much tossed out the window when you delve into automated blogging. The automated content might be able to fool search engines for some time, but it can’t really fool real people. Bloggers will be able to tell that your content is duplicate or just spun, and it’s easy to spot these blogs. Therefore, there will not be many reputable blogs that will want to link to you. You might be able to fish out some links and recommendations from people who own similar automated blogs, but as you know, those blogs are just as prone to getting sandboxed sooner than later as are yours.

So what’s the bottom line? Can automated blogs be profitable? Sure, they can. However, because of the fact that they are so susceptible to being shut down and so difficult to promote in any way that is generally viewed as healthy and favorable by Google, it really seems that trying to sustain a profit from this type of blogging would really take more effort than it is worth.

And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.The reason that automated blogging does not work is because it goes just about every ground rule of owning and operating a successful blog as a long term source of income. The first rule – and probably most important rule – of running a good blog is to make sure that your content is original and of a very high quality. When you are doing automated blogging, you are getting neither of the two.

You’ll get sandboxed

The reason that these automated blogs are not profitable for long is because Google is finding them and kicking them out its search database at a faster and faster pace. Thanks to the Panda and Penguin updates of the Google search algorithm, these auto-blogs are getting penalized faster than before. Google is simply doing a better job at detecting them now. The truth of the matter is that duplicate content cannot fool Google for long. And once your auto-blog is sandboxed, you can no longer rely on organic traffic. The traffic you will be getting from social media links or other avenues will be nowhere near as profitable as the traffic you were getting before your automated blog got pulled by the Google police.

Realistically, if you were really adamant about making money by doing this, you could literally create dozens of these blogs and sites a week and then keep relying on new ones for income as your older ones get shut down - but what’s the point? All the time you spend on doing this is more time than you need to run a “real” blog with original content - and probably less profitable as well.

You’re on your own

Another aspect of promoting a blog that is important is getting links going from other reputable sites to yours. All chances of doing this are pretty much tossed out the window when you delve into automated blogging. The automated content might be able to fool search engines for some time, but it can’t really fool real people. Bloggers will be able to tell that your content is duplicate or just spun, and it’s easy to spot these blogs. Therefore, there will not be many reputable blogs that will want to link to you. You might be able to fish out some links and recommendations from people who own similar automated blogs, but as you know, those blogs are just as prone to getting sandboxed sooner than later as are yours.

So what’s the bottom line? Can automated blogs be profitable? Sure, they can. However, because of the fact that they are so susceptible to being shut down and so difficult to promote in any way that is generally viewed as healthy and favorable by Google, it really seems that trying to sustain a profit from this type of blogging would really take more effort than it is worth.

And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.You’ll get sandboxed
The reason that these automated blogs are not profitable for long is because Google is finding them and kicking them out its search database at a faster and faster pace. Thanks to the Panda and Penguin updates of the Google search algorithm, these auto-blogs are getting penalized faster than before. Google is simply doing a better job at detecting them now. The truth of the matter is that duplicate content cannot fool Google for long. And once your auto-blog is sandboxed, you can no longer rely on organic traffic. The traffic you will be getting from social media links or other avenues will be nowhere near as profitable as the traffic you were getting before your automated blog got pulled by the Google police.

Realistically, if you were really adamant about making money by doing this, you could literally create dozens of these blogs and sites a week and then keep relying on new ones for income as your older ones get shut down - but what’s the point? All the time you spend on doing this is more time than you need to run a “real” blog with original content - and probably less profitable as well.

You’re on your own

Another aspect of promoting a blog that is important is getting links going from other reputable sites to yours. All chances of doing this are pretty much tossed out the window when you delve into automated blogging. The automated content might be able to fool search engines for some time, but it can’t really fool real people. Bloggers will be able to tell that your content is duplicate or just spun, and it’s easy to spot these blogs. Therefore, there will not be many reputable blogs that will want to link to you. You might be able to fish out some links and recommendations from people who own similar automated blogs, but as you know, those blogs are just as prone to getting sandboxed sooner than later as are yours.

So what’s the bottom line? Can automated blogs be profitable? Sure, they can. However, because of the fact that they are so susceptible to being shut down and so difficult to promote in any way that is generally viewed as healthy and favorable by Google, it really seems that trying to sustain a profit from this type of blogging would really take more effort than it is worth.

And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.The reason that these automated blogs are not profitable for long is because Google is finding them and kicking them out its search database at a faster and faster pace. Thanks to the Panda and Penguin updates of the Google search algorithm, these auto-blogs are getting penalized faster than before. Google is simply doing a better job at detecting them now. The truth of the matter is that duplicate content cannot fool Google for long. And once your auto-blog is sandboxed, you can no longer rely on organic traffic. The traffic you will be getting from social media links or other avenues will be nowhere near as profitable as the traffic you were getting before your automated blog got pulled by the Google police.
Realistically, if you were really adamant about making money by doing this, you could literally create dozens of these blogs and sites a week and then keep relying on new ones for income as your older ones get shut down - but what’s the point? All the time you spend on doing this is more time than you need to run a “real” blog with original content - and probably less profitable as well.

You’re on your own

Another aspect of promoting a blog that is important is getting links going from other reputable sites to yours. All chances of doing this are pretty much tossed out the window when you delve into automated blogging. The automated content might be able to fool search engines for some time, but it can’t really fool real people. Bloggers will be able to tell that your content is duplicate or just spun, and it’s easy to spot these blogs. Therefore, there will not be many reputable blogs that will want to link to you. You might be able to fish out some links and recommendations from people who own similar automated blogs, but as you know, those blogs are just as prone to getting sandboxed sooner than later as are yours.

So what’s the bottom line? Can automated blogs be profitable? Sure, they can. However, because of the fact that they are so susceptible to being shut down and so difficult to promote in any way that is generally viewed as healthy and favorable by Google, it really seems that trying to sustain a profit from this type of blogging would really take more effort than it is worth.

And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.Realistically, if you were really adamant about making money by doing this, you could literally create dozens of these blogs and sites a week and then keep relying on new ones for income as your older ones get shut down - but what’s the point? All the time you spend on doing this is more time than you need to run a “real” blog with original content - and probably less profitable as well.

You’re on your own

Another aspect of promoting a blog that is important is getting links going from other reputable sites to yours. All chances of doing this are pretty much tossed out the window when you delve into automated blogging. The automated content might be able to fool search engines for some time, but it can’t really fool real people. Bloggers will be able to tell that your content is duplicate or just spun, and it’s easy to spot these blogs. Therefore, there will not be many reputable blogs that will want to link to you. You might be able to fish out some links and recommendations from people who own similar automated blogs, but as you know, those blogs are just as prone to getting sandboxed sooner than later as are yours.

So what’s the bottom line? Can automated blogs be profitable? Sure, they can. However, because of the fact that they are so susceptible to being shut down and so difficult to promote in any way that is generally viewed as healthy and favorable by Google, it really seems that trying to sustain a profit from this type of blogging would really take more effort than it is worth.

And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.You’re on your own
Another aspect of promoting a blog that is important is getting links going from other reputable sites to yours. All chances of doing this are pretty much tossed out the window when you delve into automated blogging. The automated content might be able to fool search engines for some time, but it can’t really fool real people. Bloggers will be able to tell that your content is duplicate or just spun, and it’s easy to spot these blogs. Therefore, there will not be many reputable blogs that will want to link to you. You might be able to fish out some links and recommendations from people who own similar automated blogs, but as you know, those blogs are just as prone to getting sandboxed sooner than later as are yours.

So what’s the bottom line? Can automated blogs be profitable? Sure, they can. However, because of the fact that they are so susceptible to being shut down and so difficult to promote in any way that is generally viewed as healthy and favorable by Google, it really seems that trying to sustain a profit from this type of blogging would really take more effort than it is worth.

And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.Another aspect of promoting a blog that is important is getting links going from other reputable sites to yours. All chances of doing this are pretty much tossed out the window when you delve into automated blogging. The automated content might be able to fool search engines for some time, but it can’t really fool real people. Bloggers will be able to tell that your content is duplicate or just spun, and it’s easy to spot these blogs. Therefore, there will not be many reputable blogs that will want to link to you. You might be able to fish out some links and recommendations from people who own similar automated blogs, but as you know, those blogs are just as prone to getting sandboxed sooner than later as are yours.
So what’s the bottom line? Can automated blogs be profitable? Sure, they can. However, because of the fact that they are so susceptible to being shut down and so difficult to promote in any way that is generally viewed as healthy and favorable by Google, it really seems that trying to sustain a profit from this type of blogging would really take more effort than it is worth.

And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.So what’s the bottom line? Can automated blogs be profitable? Sure, they can. However, because of the fact that they are so susceptible to being shut down and so difficult to promote in any way that is generally viewed as healthy and favorable by Google, it really seems that trying to sustain a profit from this type of blogging would really take more effort than it is worth.
And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.And as Google continues to hone its algorithms, it will only get worse for these types of sites. So it really is better, in the long run, to work on maintaining a proper blog and abiding by the generally accepted rules of conduct when trying to get your blog to rank and become profitable for you on a consistent basis.

QuickDo For iPhone/iPod Touch [Free-DEB/Source]

QuickDo For iPhone/iPod Touch [Free-DEB/Source]

QuickDo is virtual Home and Power buttons for the iPhone and iPod touch . In addition, QuickDo now lets you define sliding short-cuts to quickly unlock your device and immediately launch your favorite apps.


Main Features
• Virtual "Home" button,exit app,lock the device and iPod everytime.
• Power button,respring,reboot and power off.
• Multi-task manage,close or switch background app.
• App shortcuts,quickly open your favorite app.
• Volume control on AppSwitcher bar.

Screenshots [Click to zoom in]

QuickDo For iPhone/iPod Touch [Free-DEB/Source]QuickDo For iPhone/iPod Touch [Free-DEB/Source]

Installation and Download

1- QuickDo Free (Install with Cydia)

- Available for free in the following sources:

  • HackYouriPhone
  • Insanelyi Source

. . for sources addresses, Visit >> iPadOS Cydia Sources List

2- QuickDo Free (Download .deb)

Version 3.3 | iPadOS Exclusives

Vista Codec Pack

vista codec
Vista Codec Package 6.3.4 Mediafire Link | 26 MB

Vista Codec Pack

All the codecs you need for Vista to play AVIs, DVDs and more!
It does not contain a media player and it doesn’t associates filetypes. With thispackage installed you will be able to use any media player, limited only by the players’ capabilities, to play DVD’s, movies and video clips of almost any filetype.Streaming video is supported in all popular web browsers. By default you won’t need to make any adjustments to enjoy a variety of media content immediately. Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable or after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and are capable of performing upgrade installations.
The Vista Codec Package is also compatible with all versions of Windows XP.

Download Link: Vista Codec Pack 6.3