Video Review
Platform works on iOS 5 +
Features:- Multiple Signatures (capable of using HTML code) for each Mail account.
- Use HTML mail editor.
- Regulation mail to: Mark read / Flagged, notification, move to mailbox, delete.
- Customize message (Vibrate x-times, Show / Hide Popup, Soundfile or iTunes Ringtone, Speech)
- Adjust the volume to the mail message.
- Options: Audio / always notice Speech or only when the headset is connected.
- Email message using the name in AddressBook.
- Use the volume buttons to skip messages.
- Highlighting mail in inbox (using different colors)
- Inbox filter (Show unread / mark / all with a single tap)
- Quick actions (Mark read / unread, Flagged / unflagged, delete) using swipe
- Select / Deselect all messages in the inbox
Custom settings in the Settings app on iOS 5 + Activity ! Screenshots Installing from source:
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