When you delete a file from the storage device (hard drive, USB, memory cards ...), only the reference data file is marked as deleted, but substantive content of the file still exists on data storage devices. Just as more data is overwritten, the file's contents will be deleted entirely. Therefore, deleted files can still be restored when necessary.
Pandora Recovery is a free software that allows users to search and retrieve all deleted formatted files from hard drives, USB, memory card or other storage device ... The software performs a scanning process information information on storage devices from which to build a list of deleted files unrecoverable in detail, from which users can select and restore the data you need.
In particular, Pandora Recovery lets users preview the contents of deleted files to be able to decide whether you want to restore that file or not.
Download the free software here .
During installation, the software will automatically install the toolbar and change the browser home page on the web, however, you should ignore and not necessary to install this toolbar. To do that, from dialog box install (such as illustration on side under), marking give up go both 2 optional, then press Next to continue.
After completing the installation process, the main interface of the software appears. The search process by accidentally deleted files is fairly simple. Click Next from the first dialog box appears asking you to begin the process of recovering files.
In the first step, the software will prompt you to carefully check all the trash on your computer to view these files have been deleted by accident still in the trash or not. If, after inspection, but still do not see, you choose 'No, I did not find my files' in the dialog box and click Next.
At dialog box then, software will list entire the hard drive partitions have on the machine. You select the partition you want to scan your hard drive to recover deleted data on it, then click Next.
The next step, the software provides three different methods to scan the hard drive partition to retrieve lost data before, in which Deep Scan method is considered more effective because it will scan the entire surface the disc to find out all the previously deleted files that the software can recover.
You choose Deep Scan, then click Next to continue.
The software will return to the main interface. Here, click the Start button Disk Surface Scan from the menu on the left to begin the process software to scan and find deleted files.
After the scan is finished, the list of deleted files can be recovered will be listed on the software interface. Based on the file name, format or size of the file, you can find the file that you have accidentally deleted earlier.
The advantage of software that allows viewing the contents of the file before deciding whether or not restore that file. You can click on a file in the list, its contents will be displayed in the lower left corner, or you can right-click on the file list, select Quick View.
If you find the exact file you need to restore, right click on the file, select 'Recover to ...'. A dialog box appears, at this point, you click Browser to select a location to save file after the restore, and click 'Recover Now'.
In case you still remember information about a file or folder as the file name, file size, file format ... then Pandora Recovery offers search features are useful, helping to shorten the time to find and restore files. To use this feature, from the main interface of the software, click the Search (or click View, select Search files from the software menu).
From this interface, tick the File name then enter the file name need to restore the frame then (if you still remember the file name), or mark the item 'File size Between' then choose the amount of storage capacity file to be searched in the range (if you remember the size of the file) or tick the 'Created' and then select the time that file is generated (if you remember this information). Choose a disk partition in the 'Search drive' which formerly belonged to file, and finally press the Search button.
List files with the same parameters as you have declared will be searched and listed. Based into those this information, quantity file will which is zoned and search process happening faster than. Finally, you use the method as described above to recover deleted files.
Normally, the file has been deleted as the new time, the recovery will likely be higher. Therefore, you should install the Pandora Recovery is available on your computer to take measures to prevent and even restore mistakenly deleted files to restore success rate high.
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