After the basic introduction of People Hub, would you - the new users with Nokia Lumia particular and Windows Mobile in general was somewhat understand the features and work with the Hub. The following article will teach you how to add email accounts and set up synchronization on Windows Phone.
Set up or remove an email account:
Depending on your email account settings on the phone, the relevant content from that account, such as contacts, calendars, to-do list, etc. .. will also be displayed. To set up an account Windows Live or Hotmail : During the first set after opening the machine up, you will be asked to sign your Windows Live account. Windows Live account is a "must have" on Windows Phone so you can maximize the features and services platforms such as Marketplace, Find my phone, etc. .. Very Important! So you have a Windows Live account yet? In fact, Windows Live is the name of the Microsoft service pack, when you create the Windows Live account, then you've created yourself an email address or @ live . com. If you already have one of two types of emails you can log on to ready the Windows Live account on Windows Phone. If not, you in here and press Sign up to create. * Note 1: Due to not fully support the Windows Phone service in Vietnam so as to create Windows Live account, you should leave the "Country / region "to ensure that United States can use the services provided. * Note 2: You should declare their real date of birth in the "Birth date", especially students must be over 18 years. Once created, you can follow these steps to log in Windows Live account:
- From the main screen, claws left on the list of applications (App list), select Settings
, then find Email + accounts .
- Select Add an account and select Windows Live .
- If you've never entered any Windows Live account on any computer, a screen message Before you sign in will appear. On this screen, click Next .
- Click on the box Email address above and enter your Windows Live account that you already have or are creating. Eg or .
- Click on the box Password below and enter the password of your Windows Live account.
- Click Sign in . Now the phone will conduct synchronized Windows Live email, contacts, calendar, photos and updates from your account.
- From the main screen, claws left on the list of applications (App list), select Settings
, then find Email + accounts .
- Select Add an accoutn and select Google .
- Click on the box Email address above and enter your Google account. Eg .
- Click on the box Password enter the password below to your Google account.
- Click Sign in . Will conduct phone sync email, contacts, calendars from Gmail.
From the main screen, claws left on the list of applications (App list), select Settings, then find Email + accounts .
- Select Add an account and select Yahoo .
- Click on the box Email address above and enter your Yahoo! ID. Eg or .
- Click on the box Password below and enter your account password to your Yahoo! ID.
- Click Sign in . Will conduct phone sync email from Yahoo! Mail.
- From the main screen, claws left on the list of applications (App list), select Settings
, then find Email + accounts .
- Select Add an account and select Outlook .
- Click on the box Email address above and enter your email address.
- Click on the box Password below and enter your email password.
- Click Sign in . If your phone finds your account settings, email, calendar and contacts will be synchronized to the phone right then and you can skip the steps below. If your email using its own settings, you continue to follow the instructions below.
- At the screen Outlook , you do the following and press Sign in :
- Email address : Verify email address is entered correctly.
- Password : In entering your password, you can press the wrong. So pressing the Show password to correct if any mistakes.
- User name : Check your user name (user name). Eg if the email address of your company has Microsoft Exchange Server on the server is your vvafemail , you just type kevinc in this section.
- Domain : Enter the domain name for your account. This domain name is part of the information that you use to log on the computer. Eg: if you sign with the name domainname \ kevinc , you just type the domainname in the field. If you use an account or Microsoft Exchange Outlook Web Access, you normally will not issue domain names. So you leave this section blank.
- If you perform the above fails, you continue to click Advanced and perform the following steps, then click Sign in :
- Click on the box Server and enter the server address (server address). This is a web address that you will use to access their email accounts on the web browser through Outlook Web App. If you do not know what the address is, you can follow the steps below to find or contact the company's IT professionals.
- Click Next on the Show all settings and click the box set up Server requires encrypted (SSL) connection . If you're unsure of their email encryption is used or not, you should contact your company's IT professionals.
- If the notice new password New password appears, select Set , click the box New password and enter a new password security requirements. Click on the box Confirm password and enter your password to confirm. Then click finish Done .
- Open the Microsoft Outlook 2010, select File , select Account Settings and choose Account Settings .
- Click Microsoft Exchange account and click Change .
- Select More Settings .
- Click on the tab Connection , select the Exchange Proxy Settings and record address of the server (server address) in the box Use this URL to connect to my proxy server for Exchange .
- From the main screen, claws left on the list of applications (App list), select Settings
, then find Email + accounts .
- Select Add an account and select Other account .
- Click on the box Email address above and enter your email address.
- Click on the box Password below and enter your email password.
- Click Sign in .
- Perform one of the following steps:
- If the system is set up to find your email, please forward your phone to automatically complete the synchronization process and then start using the mail box. The setup process is complete.
- If the system can not find the settings for your email, you should check the login information and click Try again . If you still can not find the settings, click Advanced and configure manually through the following steps:
First, you need to know the parameters of protocols such as email (POP or IMAP) and mail to address and mail to (incoming mail server address and outgoing email server address ). You can find these parameters on the provider's web mail.
- In the Advanced Setup , select Internet email account .
- Perform the following steps:
- Account name : Enter the name of the mail account is the name you want to put the mail box. Eg: Personal, Work, Mail Company, personal mail, etc. ..
- Your name : Get the name you want displayed in the email when sent from this account. Eg, Dinh Ngoc Nguyen Sciences, Faculty bk9sw, etc. ..
- Incoming mail server : Enter the email address, which often includes names such as POP or IMAP protocols depending on the type of email. Eg or
- Account type : Select POP3 or IMAP4 .
- User name : Enter email accounts.
- Password : Enter the email account password.
- Outgoing (SMTP) mail server : Enter your email address, usually including SMTP protocol. Eg or
- Outgoing server requires authentication : Click this box to confirm setting.
- User the same user name and password for sending email : Click this box to automatically login user input to send email.
- Click on Advanced settings , confirm all settings are correct and select the downloaded setup. Then click Sign in .
- From the main screen, claws left on the list of applications (App list), select Settings
, then find Email + accounts .
- Click and hold on the account name you want to delete, a notice will appear and you just hit Delete to clear.
- From the main screen, claws left on the list of applications (App list), select Settings
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